
Click here to access our 2023 Sustainability Report.

Click here to access our ESG Financing Framework.

Click here to access the Second-Party Opinion of our ESG Financing Framework.

The Ambipar Group is one of the precursors in Environmental issues, mainly related to the theme of waste recovery, which is one of the most solid compositions of the ESG Environment pillar (“Environment, Social and Governance”).

Ambipar Environment Reverse Manufacturig applying the concepts of Circular Economy brings important solutions to the market segments that need products such as brand protection, reverse logistics and transformation of waste into raw materials.

Continuing with this purpose, we work with sustainable and technologically innovative solutions for our customers, having achieved good results in terms of total waste management, treating and valuing them at their origin.

Still on ESG, we cannot stop talking about respect for diversity, which is an ethical commitment for us, being treated seriously by the company. We believe that it is essential to provide fair opportunities, materializing our commitment to this topic. We are proud to talk about the representation of women in our company, today approximately 40% of executive and leadership positions in Brazil are held by women.

Our actions and projects related to the ESG theme are still in progress even with the Pandemic scenario (Covid19). Currently, the development of several projects is on the agenda of the sustainability committee, such as: installation of the photovoltaic system (solar panels) that will serve our units, the project for capturing and reusing rainwater.

We are carrying out the GHG (Greenhouse Gases) inventory, using the GHG Protocol methodology to later define what the Neutralization Goals will be. In addition, the CarbonZ App was developed by the RD&I sector to contribute to climate issues, which makes it possible to carry out in a practical, safe and effective way the calculation of the “ecological footprint” of CO² emissions from people, companies or industries.

Currently, there are more than 6 thousand native trees in degraded areas being monitored by the App. In addition, the company has approximately 42 hectares of area for carbon capture in order to compensate and neutralize our footprint. Other measures to minimize CO² generation involve replacing the use of gasoline with ethanol in the entire fleet of small cars; the renewal of the fleet, with the acquisition of trucks that present better efficiency in fuel consumption with a system for controlling CO² emissions.

We recently became signatories to the Global Compact, officially making a public commitment to join forces to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and follow the 10 Universal Principles. Aligned with the GRI Indicators – Global Reporting Initiative, this is another important step in the search for socio-environmental development. ESG is an evolving theme that we build each day through our actions and commitments, respecting and valuing the environment and generating shared value for all our stakeholders.